The SL Navy 2nd Fleet (USNSL) started in 2013 as part of the USS Nimitz Carrier group on the Blake Sea, on the Satori continent. Founded by a Navy veteran, the USNSL is a military roleplay group focused on realism within the confines of Second Life, beyond just traditional VICE combat. To that effect, combat is secondary; the group's primary focus is on simulating life in the military in general, i.e. living and serving aboard both shore facilities and seaborne vessels, camaraderie with shipmates, career advancement, and personal development. Participate in exciting and realistic simulations of Naval Operations under peacetime as well as wartime conditions. Our members strive every day to bring to life the Navy's Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
We are looking for ROLEPLAYERS; whether you play a character or a virtual version of yourself, we are looking for people who are interested in exploring what they can do in the Navy and people who want to help us grow and evolve as a group. We are looking for people who are interested in the idea of role-playing life in the military, i.e. flying aircraft or performing emergency surgery in the cabin of a helicopter, hanging out with your shipmates or going to the gym on base, taking your family to the Navy Exchange, driving to and from base, or standing in line at the security office to acquire base parking decals for your new car. Whether you have RL military experience or not, we believe that everyone has the potential to contribute something unique to our group. There are many people in our group who wanted to join the service in real life, but could not.
If you're looking for a group that's strictly about combat, then we may not be the group for you. We're not in the business of lying to people just to increase our numbers. We are more than happy to point you in the direction of one of the many combat of groups in the SL Military community.
In addition to free uniforms that are true to life, you will receive REAL training. We don't just give you a title rank and a weapon, we teach you to understand your role with a curriculum inspired by RTC Great Lakes. Training has a heavy focus on both roleplay scenarios and classroom sessions that simulate a boot camp environment to help future sailors succeed in the group. Currently, enlisted sailors attend a one-week training period.
Know what you're getting into; we are a military roleplay group. This means receiving orders and following orders before you're trained up enough to give them yourself. At our training facility at Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) Jeogeot, our instructors and Recruit Division Commanders (RDCs) are responsible for turning civilians into sailors. As long as you are responsible, courteous, respectful, and willing to learn, you will be welcomed into the group with open arms. Keep in mind that many of our senior members had to start somewhere!